Data types

Data types and Precedence of convert types

SQL Server associates columns, expressions, variables, and parameters with data types. Data types determine what kind of data can be stored in the field: Integers, characters, dates, money, binary strings, etc.

SQL Server supplies several built-in data types but you can also define custom types

Built-in data types are categorized as shown in the table below, also you can see the precedence of convert to other data type. I mean when an operator combines two expressions of different data types, the rules for data type precedence specify that the data type with the lower precedence is converted to the data type with the higher precedence.


SQL Server uses the following precedence order for data types:

  1. user-defined data types (highest)
  2. sql_varian t
  3. xml
  4. datetimeoffset
  5. datetime2
  6. datetime
  7. smalldatetime
  8. date
  9. time
  10. float
  11. real
  12. decimal
  13. money
  14. smallmoney
  15. bigint
  16. int
  17. smallint
  18. tinyint
  19. bit
  20. ntext
  21. text
  22. image
  23. timestamp
  24. uniqueidentifier
  25. nvarchar (including nvarchar(max) )
  26. nchar
  27. varchar (including varchar(max) )
  28. char
  29. varbinary (including varbinary(max) )
  30. binary (lowest)



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